
At Mission Menstruation, we recognize how difficult it is to access period products. If you are facing this challenge, then please continue reading. 


Period Resources


Other Options:

The 2020 CARES Act made period products a reimbursable expense when purchased with health savings accounts (HSAs) and flexible spending accounts (FSAs).


Purchase generic brands. Period products that are name-brand tend to be more expensive. Disposable period products should be changed every 8 hours, at most, and more often if you have a heavy flow. The risks of contracting infection is increased by wearing a period product for too long.


If you have continuous access to soap + clean water and/or laundry facilities, then consider purchasing a menstrual cup or cloth pad. These period products are an investment, at first, but save the consumer money in the long run. Also, they are environmentally-friendly.


Speak to your employer or school administrator if your difficulty in accessing period products is compromising your work/school performance. They may offer to assist you and others.


Tampon Tax


Read more about the tampon tax here