
Why You Should Donate to MM using ActBlue

MM’s trusted online donation platform is ActBlue. Learn how ActBlue makes it easy and quick to support MM. Since our founding in 2018, Mission Menstruation has been an entirely grassroots movement. We’re fueled completely by small-dollar donors like you. We want to highlight the easiest way to support our organization—and ensure we can thank you for your donation!

Using our trusted online donation platform ActBlue, you can support MM with a one-time donation, and even choose to set up monthly donations. This platform is free to use and does not add any fees to your donation, so you can give any amount that you’re able to. Whether it’s $1 or $50, our team is grateful for your donation as we mobilize it toward period equity in higher education.

Remember to keep your receipt to receive the tax benefits of donating to a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization!

Why should I donate using ActBlue?

  1. It’s simple and quick. In about 5 minutes, ActBlue helps you donate from your phone or computer.
  2. You can donate directly from your Venmo, PayPal, or Google Pay account (in addition to using a credit card)
  3. Using an account, ActBlue can remember your card information to streamline your donation process and help us thank you for your donation!
  4. You can choose to set up a recurring monthly donation to MM, helping open doors for student advocates to end period poverty!

How does MM use my donation?

To be clear, our goal is not to simply purchase and distribute menstrual products with your donation. Rather, we put your donation towards empowering college students to advocate to their campus stakeholders to establish a long-term process for providing menstrual products in all bathrooms on campus. We do this by providing students resources to start and sustain their advocacy groups and connecting them with a network of other folks working toward period equity.

If you’d like to read more about ActBlue, you can read their donor information page here. If you have more questions about donating to Mission Menstruation, contact info@missionmenstruation.com

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