
A Love Letter to Mission Menstruation’s Values

Dear Mission Movers,

All February, Mission Menstruation is focusing on the core values of The Mission. At MM, we believe that our three pillars – gender equity, flexibility and sustainability – equally shape our advocacy for free period products on college campuses. In the spirit of the loving season, we want to highlight how a healthy balance of these three core values can impact menstruators’ love for themselves and their bodies, and foster a healthy relationship with menstrual health.

Gender Equity
Mission Menstruation advocates for ALL menstruators on campuses across the United States. The conversation surrounding periods can sometimes be hyper-focused around girls and women and we’re working to change that. According to UNICEF, about 1.8 billion people menstruate every month. MM fully embraces the fact that non-binary folks and transgender men are included in this population. Part of the disadvantage non-binary people and transgender men face is when they are excluded from the narrative surrounding periods and disregarded in public spaces. Making period products available to all menstruators in places like men’s and gender neutral bathrooms, resident halls and other common areas helps to break the stigma non-menstruators may hold surrounding periods and normalize the inclusivity of non-binary people and trans men in the menstrual space.

An important part of The Mission is working in partnership with university administration and other campus stakeholders, rather than against them. Shaping our grand vision, for free period products in all public bathrooms on campus, to fit the ways that a university is currently willing to aid the cause is important to our success. There is not always a perfect solution to complex issues, such as period product access. When advocating, we work to ensure our students facilitate period equity progress on their campus without expecting perfection. Working with universities to determine what works best for their community is imperative to the success of The Mission.

According to California State University researchers, sustainable menstruation is the use of alternative products during one’s menstrual cycle for the benefit of the body and the Earth. Disposable period products such as pads and tampons are not only expensive and harmful to the Earth, but can contain chemicals that can cause harm to the body over time. The Mission recognizes students’ need for sustainable period products and the sustainable impact possible when college students are educated about their period product options. We believe sustainable options should be accessible to all menstruators, and are starting with those on our campuses. Diva shares, menstrual cups can last up to several years with the correct care. Reusable products not only benefit the environment, but also provide menstruators a low to zero monthly cost. Those who have trouble purchasing disposable products, such as pads and tampons, can explore this as an avenue to reduce cost and experience less feelings of scarcity during menstruation. More examples of sustainable products include period underwear, reusable pads and plastic-free tampon applicators.

The journey to self-love and confidence can be tough enough even without the stress of menstruation. The Mission aims to empower menstruators to be happy, comfortable and healthy throughout this journey.

As always, make sure you are tuned into all MM socials and subscribe to our emailing list for more menstrual equity updates and blog posts!

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Interested in contributing to The Mission but unable to give your time? Please consider making a donation on our ActBlue! All proceeds go directly towards our fight for period equity.

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